Hotel Leisure & Hospitality CHP
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With most of the plantroom refurb work completed offsite and only minimal hot installation work required onsite, it’s surprisingly easy to switch to a Combined Heat & Power solution to reduce your operating costs.
Get in touch with Helec today and find out how our design & installation offers, along with competitive service costs will help you out.

CHP working within Leisure & Hospitality
If you work within the hospitality & leisure sector, you'll appreciate the importance of providing a seamless service to guests being able to access all the facilities without unscheduled interruptions.
This is one of the reasons why energy consumption within hospitality & leisure facilities is so high, with hotels, Spa's and Leisure centres are facing spiralling energy costs to keep everything running 24/7. The good news is that there is simple way to manage these expectations: Combined Heat & Power from Helec Limited.
At Helec we can offer CHP solutions for all of these sectors, and with more than 17 years of experience we can use our knowledge to save you money and reduce your carbon emissions on the road to net zero.

An Energy hungry Industry
The costs of energy for the hospitality & leisure industry are universally high, and demand is unrelenting with the need to provide space heating and hot water services 24/7. If you have leisure facilities on site, the amount you spend on energy is likely to be even greater, guzzling up a large proportion of your budgeted running costs.
Combined Heat & Power packages provide a simple way to give you back a large proportion of this money, increasing your profits as well as providing an eco-friendly answer too.
It works by ensuring that none of the energy produced is wasted, diverting it back to where it’s needed in a cycle which ensures you get the benefit of all the thermal heat that’s generated. It manages this by using a single sourced cogenerating reciprocating engine to produce the thermal heat (within its engine cooling jacket) whilst turning the electric generator; combining the energy in this way allows it to used far more efficiently than conventional generation via boilers and grid electricity.
As well as having an ongoing demand for energy, hotels & LC's often experience load surges at peak times. Correctly sized CHP units from Helec with supporting thermal stores can comfortably deal with these spikes in consumption without sacrificing performance in any way.

The Cost Savings
Greener Solutions
Aside from the financial benefits to your business, another advantage of using a CHP is that it’s a greener solution too. For hotels and Leisure facilities, either Natural Gas or LPG is recommended over using oil fuelled appliances in order to cut exhaust emissions while still retaining the maximum efficiencies for technology to deliver the cost savings. As of 2022, all of the Helec CHP units are "Hydrogen ready" to accept up to a 40% blended mix of Hydrogen within Natural Gas and will also work with BioLPG variants. Customers are increasingly attracted to businesses who operate an eco-friendly policy towards the environment, so as well as helping the planet, you could be giving your hotel a competitive advantage too.FEATURED CASE STUDIES