Combined Heat & Power / Standby Generators
“H2 Hydrogen Ready” Gas fuelled Combined Heat & Power/cogeneration integrates the production of electrical power for onsite use along with the usable thermal heat, in one single, highly efficient process.
Natural gas fuelled CHP systems are still the most commonly used commercial cogeneration technologies in the UK today and are the most reliable and efficient of all CHP technologies.
CHP technology can be operated using Natural Gas, LPG, Biogas (Syngas) & Hydrogen fuelled sources.
**STOP PRESS** As of July 2020 ALL of the Energimizer CHP units are now “H2 ready” to integrate Hydrogen fuel within the gas fuel input required on site.
Helec Limited is proud to have been operating in the UK for more than 11 years delivering CHP solutions and in 2020 we saw a number of CHP manufacturers appear to struggle to compete in the UK HVAC market place with some commercial brand names having now withdrawn their ranges of gas fuelled CE – CHP units and service support.
However, rest assured, here at Helec we still strive to design, size and supply a full comprehensive range of gas fuelled Combined Heat & Power solutions ranging from 7.5 kWe through multiple micro CHP sizes up to and beyond 1mWe containerised packages.
So, feel free with confidence to specify one of our quiet, energy efficient, low NOx emitting CHP models for your next project.
Rest assured Helec will match and surpass design performances in order to confidently supply, commission, maintain and service a comprehensive range of industry leading Gas fired CHP systems & standby Generators for your next project.
Contact us today to discuss your CHP project.
You can explore the full range of our products by clicking any of the links below. Alternatively read more about gas fuelled CHP and our services below.
This contrasts with conventional ways of generating grid produced electricity where vast amounts of thermal heat is unfortunately disperced and ‘wasted’ to atmosphere.
In today’s gas fired power stations, up to two thirds of the overall energy consumed is lost in this way, often seen as a cloud of steam “waste heat” rising from power plant cooling towers, dramatically reducing the plant’s generation efficiencies (see below)

By using the ‘waste thermal heat’, gas fuelled CHP units can reach overall efficiency ratings in excess of 85%. This compares excellently in comparison with the efficiency of gas power stations, which in the UK range between 49% and 52%. Coal-fired plants fare less well with an efficiency of around 38%. The financial benefits of a single fuelled co-generation on-site process are also complimented by a series of environmental advantages with reduced C02 emissions being recognised by local authorities and government bodies.
Helec design and supply a comprehensive range of gas fuelled Combined Heat & Power units with ranging sizes from 6 kWe through multiple sizes up to 1mWe (and more)