Making big energy savings can be simple !

Take a moment to read & realise there are simple enough steps to see how you can qualify for huge potential savings within your business.

Most buildings heating systems are simply forgotten about UNTIL they fail – but even if they work, are they quietly losing you money?

Here are some simple steps to achieving your route to 30%* savings

  • ENSURE you use your heating wisely.
    So many sites still run single speed circuit pumps at high speed without any flow & temperature regulation & speed control.
  • Do not heat what you do not need.
    Why have hot water flowing around the building circuit all day long when a thermal store can distribute the hot water as and when it is needed.
  • Old boilers cost more money to operate.
    Sub 10 year old boilers generally have a 1 in 9 modulation facility which will result in less energy being used to deliver smaller volumes when called for.
  • BIG is not always beautiful – Oversized boilers can cost £££’s more to operate than they should need to.
    The old age attitude to design 150% of what is required within a boilers duty will now cost you dearly to run.
    Your site may have had alterations, stage 1 energy efficiency measures carried out and new equipment supplied, but have you assessed the impact this may have made on your building demand?

So how can I better evaluate the true potential of the savings to be made?

The road to savings start with having good data & knowledge of your sites energy consumption.

Fundamentally, if you use gas and electricity to heat & power your site, then producing & generating this via a Combined Heat & Power package on site will deliver cheaper heat & reduce Electrical power Opex costs along with reducing your Carbon footprint. 🙂
Half hour electrical data is very useful to assess site usage for this application. However, don’t panic if this isn’t available, as we can work with your historical monthly energy bills, along with your charged tariffs.

Talk to Helec and let us see how much energy you use, and at what cost per kilowatt you currently pay.

Our intial investigation & evaluation is FREE to you.  So call us on 01934 862264 or contact us to discuss with us how we can look into this for you?
We only need a few questions to be answered, then we can get working for you to deliver a proposal.

Upfront “Capex free” fully funded programmes are available through a number of partnering brokers such as Orezten, or a Power Purchase Agreement may be of interest.
So it shouldn’t need to cost you the earth. In fact, you may be saving a little bit more of the earth than you realise while you save money 🙂